
The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by astronauts while viewing the Earth from orbit, described as, “A shift in perception and understanding as they clearly see that everything on the Earth is interconnected and functions as one planet, soaring through space with its celestial neighbors. Humanity’s unity and the arbitrary nature of boundaries become obvious”.

This series of painted cityscapes has progressed as I have delved deeper into the topic and explored my own aesthetic as an artist. I have kept the use of paint, canvas, and vast cityscapes as a constant. While allowing paint application, reality, space, destruction and tranquility to change throughout the series.

The atmosphere created between these cities is a constant focus. In each painting I am exploring how to enhance or flatten the atmosphere that separates them. At times this space is emphasized through destruction or falling debris, obliterated with symbolic shapes and mark making, or enhanced with atmospheric space that mimics reality.

The works are influenced by current events, my own experiences, and fears for the future of our planet.